Monday, November 19, 2012

One Direction

this post is for one direction lovers only, and me.

I've realised that when I ask a person : why do you like one direction?
they say: because they are cute.

Is That All You People Think Of One Direction as???????

so,  I decided to post these questions
if you are a one direction lover,

Why do you like them?
Who's your favorite?

please tell me, please comment,
I am desperate to know what else you people think

- purpleguineapig

Monday, September 10, 2012

guinea pig psychologist

guinea pigs can't go on wheels!
It breaks there back :(

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Guinea pigs!!!!!!!!

Here are my two guinea pigs
They survived the summer while I was in Switzerland!
The black one is Midnight
And the brown one is Coco

I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 2, 2012

This is a short film my brother and I made a while back. The title is...........well, see for yourself!

Happy Summer Everyone!

I hope you are all having a great summer
I'm going to visit my Grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins in Switzerland (but not for the whole summer). I am planning on going to the beach there. I'm also planning on spending time with my guinea pigs. So far I went to great a cooking camp. The camp was Tuesday through Friday. Each day was a different course: breakfast, lunch, dinner, desert. 
It was yummy!

Please comment on how your planning on spending your summer: go to the beach, play video games, eat ice cream, go to a camp, go to Europe, go to California, go to Florida, relax, ext.
Whatever your doing, have a great time.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Colonial Costume

I'm trying to chose which costume I should wear for the colonial.
Dress up as a girl or a boy?
If I'm going to dress up like a girl what should I wear?
If I'm going to dress up like a boy what should I wear?
Those are the decisions going on in my head.
Well, I finally came up with two costume, girl and boy.
Still trying to figure out what to wear I show the costumes to my parents.
We then started taking pictures. And, well, here's what we came up with:

Comment on which costume do you think is best.

Friday, February 10, 2012


Can you guy's tell me how to get a cool background?  I have been trying to get one but all I get is same old same old.  Please Help!  ( I mean the background my blog. You know the one with the books)
I want a cool background!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super bowl

Today is the big game. The Super Bowl! Are you watching?
I am! (but just because of the commercials and Madonna)
Go Pats!
Comment if you are watching and who you are rooting for


Sorry that I didn't post anything. I forgot my password. I do not know how but I got it back.